- Ohio State
- Boston College
- Arizona State
- Oregon
- Oklahoma
- West Virginia
- Virginia Tech
- Kansas
- South Florida
- Florida
- Missouri
- Kentucky
- Virginia
- South Carolina
- Hawaii
- Georgia
- Texas
- Michigan
- California
- Auburn
- Connecticut
- Alabama
- Penn State
- Wake Forest
- Rutgers
- Boise State
- Wisconsin
- Purdue
- Texas Tech
- Georgia Tech
- Maryland
- Clemson
- Texas A&M
- Cincinnati
- Kansas State
- Oregon State
- Fresno State
- Illinois
- Oklahoma State
- Vanderbilt
- Air Force
- Tennessee
The Computer Poll Rankings (average)
I like looking at this because computers don't have biases the same way humans do. This may be the "best" way to judge teams. Current BCS ranking in parentheses
- Boston College (2)
- LSU (3)
- Ohio State (1)
- Arizona State (4)
- South Florida (10)
- Virginia (15)
- Kansas (9)
- Virginia Tech (8)
- Oregon (5)
- West Virginia (7)
- Florida (11)
- Kentucky (14)
- Missouri (13)
- Oklahoma (6)
- South Carolina (16)
- Auburn (22)
- Connecticut (23)
- Wake Forest (26)
- Michigan (20)
- Georgia (18)
- USC (12)
- Alabama (24)
- UCLA (28)
- Rutgers (27)
- Boise State (29)
Most Underrated (Overall BCS rank lower than computers):
Virginia (9)
Wake Forest (8)
Auburn, Connecticut (6)
UCLA, South Florida (5)
Boise State (4)
Rutgers (3)
Kansas, Kentucky (2)
Nearly Even
BC, LSU, South Carolina, Michigan (1)
Arizona State, Virginia Tech, Florida, Missouri (0)
Most Overrated (Overall BCS rank higher than computers)
USC (-9)
Oklahoma (-8)
Oregon (-4)
West Virginia (-3)
Ohio State, Georgia (-2)
Proof that the computers are able to look past the USC, Oklahoma, and Ohio State brand names and put teams like Virginia, Wake Forest, and Connecticut into the top20. One can only hope that we one day move to a more computer based ranking system with less weight put into the human polls.
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